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June 29, 2022
Alex Juarez,, 602-262-5169
Cathy Douglas,, 928-373-5199
AARP Arizona Selects Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area For a 2022 Community Challenge Grant
The grant will be used to install ADA compliant picnic tables, benches and bike racks
YUMA, Arizona— Today, AARP Arizona announced that Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area has been selected to receive a 2022 AARP Community Challenge grant, one of 6 grantees chosen statewide.
The grant will be used to install ADA compliant picnic tables, benches, and bike racks to create an inviting resting and gathering area at a new nature park frequented by older adults seeking to improve their health and wellness in a natural setting at Yuma East Wetlands.
“We are incredibly proud that AARP selected Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area for this investment in our community,” stated Cathy Douglas, grant manager for the Yuma Crossing. “AARP is a nationwide leader in making communities more livable for all residents. We are honored that AARP see’s the tangible value this project will bring to our area.”
This project is part of the largest group of grantees to date with $3.4 million awarded among 260 organizations nationwide. Grantees will implement quick-action projects that help communities become more livable in the long-term by improving public places; transportation; housing; diversity, equity and inclusion; digital access; and civic engagement, with an emphasis on the needs of adults age 50 and over.
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